Chryso offers a comprehensive range of innovative solutions for ready-mix concrete at the plant or on site and a wide range of solutions to cover all wet cast and dry cast requirements. Our solutions are dedicated to improve concrete performance, production, workability, aesthetics and sustainability.

Key challenges for concrete producers

We design, produce, market and deliver our own systems and solutions for concrete producers and users all over the world.

High performance concrete

Local Sourcing

Local resources optimization

Solutions for challenging Jobsites

Challenging Jobsites

sustainable construction

Sustainable construction

mix design optimisation

Mix design optimization

Our Concrete Solutions


Improve fresh concrete performance


  • Extend concrete workability
    Chryso provides solutions, to extend the workability of concrete with limited impact on early strengths. Chryso developed very high-range water reducing superplasticizers to deliver better strength and an improved finish of the fresh concrete
  • Concrete pumping optimization
    To answer new construction challenges as high-rise buildings or underground structures, CHRYSO deploys news solutions to increase long distance and vertical concrete pumping.
  • Improve concrete placeability and finishability

Chryso combines mix design know-how and new concrete solutions to deliver exceptional fluidity, a rapid filling of complex moulds and an excellent surface finish quality.

Our solutions

Water reducer superplasticizers deliver better strength and an improved appearance of the fresh concrete.

A flexible dosage range that allows for the production of cohesive concrete from low to high slump.

To extend the workability of concrete with limited impact on early strengths

Precast applications: exceptional fluidity, a rapid filling of complex moulds and an excellent surface finish quality

Dedicated to tunnels segments: improved placeability, superior surface concrete finish and high early compressive strengths

Improve hardened concrete performance


  • High Strength Concrete
    Chryso deploys solutions for High Strength Concrete (HSC), dedicated to project such as highway engineering structures, high rise buildings, tunnelling and Hydraulic structures.

  • Robustness and durability
    Long term durability is a key challenge in our construction environment and Chryso has developed a full range of services and technologies to increase the service life of large infrastructures and buildings projects.

  • Ultra High-Performance Concrete
    Rheology and performance characteristics of Ultra High-Performance Concrete makes it a very unique material. Chryso has developed a unique comprehensive Know-How regarding Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (FRC) and Ultra High-Performance Concrete (UHPC).

  • Aesthetics and Durable concrete
    In addition to its structural properties, concrete aesthetic is a key factor in the success of your project. Chryso propose a wide range of finishes, colours and surface treatments that will enhance the aesthetic quality and durability of your buildings and structures.
Our solutions

Superplasticizers’ range allows cohesive, low viscous concrete, with long workability retention

Superplasticisers especially designed for precast concrete which require high short-term strength.

Shrinkage inhibitor

Allows effective crack control in concrete

More fibre-reinforced now

Release agents that deliver easy demoulding  of concrete during delayed or immediate demoulding on all types of moulds and allow high finish quality.


More demoulging agents now

Comprehensive range of decorative solutions for new projects or renovations, for residential, tertiary or urban developments.


More decorative solutions now

Decrease materials and construction costs


  • Tailor made Solutions
    Chryso tailor made services and solutions allow concrete producers to optimize their cost/performance ratio and increase their productivity.
    Innovative technologies address our customers’ specific challenges such as outstanding pumpability needs, ultra-high early strength or reduced carbon footprint.


  • Materials optimization
    Challenging aggregates and new cementitious materials require dedicated chemical solutions.
    Chryso has developed dedicated product ranges allowing concrete producers to deliver consistent, reliable and cost-efficient concrete.
Our solutions

Cost/performance ratio optimization: slump retention, low viscosity and long distance pumping performances

Dedicated range to significantly drive down sand procurement costs thanks to local resources.



This range allows a fast setting time of the concrete and a consistent quality of production

Acceleration system for precast concrete

Improved concrete rheology over a broad range of aggregates

Hardening accelerating admixture

Environmental footprint optimization


  • Extend materials resources
    Chryso offers solutions to allow the use of a wider range of sands, including challenging aggregates which improve the use of local resources and reduce carbon footprint.
  • Low-carbon footprint concrete solutions
    Our technologies contribute to the protection of the environment by allowing a reduction of Portland cement content while maintaining or improving concrete performances.
    Chryso constantly develops new admixture solutions adapted to the latest low carbon binder solutions.
    Dedicated products and services also address sustainability through concrete recycling and waste reduction
  • Maturometry: Concrete monitoring solutions
    Chryso offers real-time concrete monitoring solution to control concrete maturity, predict concrete strength and accelerate jobsite completion.
Our solutions

Allows for local aggregates sourcing with a limited CO2 transportation impact.



Innovative service for real-time and remote concrete maturity monitoring, contributes to reduce energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions



Enhancer for pervious concrete

Enables extensive use of SCM whether in concrete or in cement, without compromising on materials performance



Chryso Concrete technologies

Our Technologies provide value creation in construction ecosystem

Specifically targets excess of fines and swelling clay problematics, by helping to disperse the binders and reduce viscosity to improve placeability & finishability

Specifically targets lack of fines and compacity problematics, by enhancing concrete cohesiveness and finishability.

clear & graft technology

A flexible solution that adapts to major project specifications.
A range designed around three specific performances:

  • Workabilityretention​​
  • Water reduction​
  • Pumpability


Go to CHRYSO®Optima 1000 Technology now

Optima 1000

Provide exceptional placing properties for Self-Compacting/Consolidating Concrete SCC, with exceptional fluidity, complex moulds’ rapid filling and excellent/flawless surface finish quality.

Fill Free

Rover solutions encompass several technologies. They allow for a very significant improvement of robustness/consistency regardless of concrete other constituent’s eventual properties’ variations.


A response to decrease CO2 emission through the reduction of Portland cement content and the extensive use of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM) or new binders (geopolymers).




Innovative solution for the use of challenging sands

  • Improves concrete quality and performance when using challenging materials, including manufactured sands.
  • Reduces environmental impact (carbon footprint)
  • Allows for the use of local resources

Discover CHRYSO®CLEAR Test: an innovative and fast service to analyse your sand.


A customised services offering and a close proximity to clients

Chryso combines its wide range of admixtures and additives to a large panel of services. This includes the advice of our experts in the areas that are key to the daily performance of our customers’ businesses: dosage equipment, supply-chain solutions, training, new digital services and technical assistance.


Chryso supports your teams daily throughout the logistic chain: both during the product development and the management of your supplies and installations.


  • Concrete formulation
    Chryso assists you in the formulation of concrete mix design with our technical expert teams and give guidance with the formulation of concrete and admixture optimization.
  • Technical assistance and training
    Specific services assistance and training sessions are provided by our Technical teams and enable concrete professionals and new comers to rapidly learn the latest evolutions of materials.


Chryso offers customer added value services as CHRYSO®Maturix, maturometry monitoring, prediction & optimization and provides innovative service linked to logistic chain.

More info about products & services

Visit Chryso local websites or get in touch with your local contact for more information about the available products & services in your country.

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Chryso logistic chain

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