Chryso cement additives improve cement performance, reduce energy & production costs and leverage CO2 emissions reduction. Because each cement plant has its own challenges and requirements, Chryso has developed a strong expertise in the cement industry to provide customers with specific and high-level support and services on field.

Key challenges for cement manufacturers

co2 reduction

CO2 emission reduction

Clinker factor reduction

Clinker factor reduction

Energy savings

Energy savings

Cement performance

Cement performance

Chromium VI reduction

Chromium VI reduction

Our Cement Additives

Designed to provide innovative solutions to tackle increasing environmental and technical challenges.

Next-generation activators

Next Generation Activators are innovative solutions which can be customized to meet the individual needs of cement producers, providing clinker and CO2 emissions reduction over and beyond that achieved by traditional activators.

We bring together advanced chemistry, technical expertise, and innovative technologies to help our customers achieve greater strength, sustainability, and cost savings.

  • Higher cement performance
    Achieve higher compressive strengths at all ages.
    Leverage clinker factor reduction with no compromise on cement final performance.
  • Additional clinker reduction, use of alternative fuels and novel Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCM)
    Increase the content of Supplementary Cementitious Material in cement to achieve higher energy and production costs reduction.
    Extend the use of locally available mineral additions.
  • Improved cement carbon footprint
    Leverage clinker factor reduction to achieve substantial energy savings and CO2 emission reduction.

EnviroAdd® is our new low-dosage generation of activators, providing a breakthrough for clinker & CO2 reduction.

Our tailor-made solutions enable:

  • Maximum clinker substitution
  • Promote use of novel supplementary cementitious materials
  • Use of alternative fuels

All without compromising cement quality.

Learn more about EnviroAdd®

EnviroAdd® is our new low-dosage generation of activators, providing a breakthrough for clinker & CO2 reduction.

Performance activators

Robust chemical additives to achieve improved quality, strength & performance in blended cements, while reducing clinker content.

  • Higher cement performance
    Achieve higher compressive strengths at all ages.
    Leverage clinker factor reduction with no compromise on cement final performance.
  • Clinker factor reduction
    Increase the content of Supplementary Cementitious Material in cement to achieve higher energy and production costs reduction.
    Extend the use of locally available mineral additions.
  • Improved cement carbon footprint
    Leverage clinker factor reduction to achieve substantial energy savings and CO2 emission reduction.

Opteva® quality improvers, often called early and/or late performance enhancers, allow cement manufacturers to achieve superior cement quality without increasing costs. Additionally increased cement performance can reduce the clinker factor, allowing lower overall production costs and reduced environmental impact (lower CO2 emissions and energy consumption) while maintaining compliance with target performance and regulations. Opteva® is an activator available in both chloride-based and non-chloride-based forms.

cement plant

Cement grinding aids

Our grinding aids are designed to increase mill output without increasing costs, while saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions.

Improved cement flowability reduces the effort for handling and transporting cement.

  • Process optimisation
    Increase mill output at same cement composition and fineness.
    Reduce energy consumption and distribution costs.
  • Improved cement quality
    Improve cement fineness, thus cement reactivity.
    Leverage cement powder transport properties by improving cement flowability, thus reducing Pack Set Index (PSI).

Tavero® grinding agents are designed to improve the efficiency of cement manufacture and make life easier for cement producers.

Cement factory

Chromium VI reduction

Chromium VI (Cr (VI)) in cement is a known sensitizing agent that can cause allergies and skin irritations in individuals handling cement, mortar, or concrete.

Cr (VI) is primarily formed during the oxidation of chromium present in certain raw materials used in cement production.

The solution lies in adding a chemical agent to the cement to reduce Cr (VI) – a soluble compound – into Cr (III) – an insoluble and non-absorbable compound – effectively eliminating its harmful effects.

Synchro® is an advanced solution for reducing hexavalent chromium in cement.

Synchro® also previously known as Chryso® Reductis, is designed to meet regulatory compliance while ensuring the health and safety of workers.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • High Cr (VI) reduction efficiency
  • Health & Safety of Your Teams
  • Easy to Use & Store, No Dusting
  • Lower Logistic Costs & Carbon footprint
  • Chloride-free
  • Extends Shelf Life In Cement
Cement plant

Cement grinding aids for minerals

Our grinding aids for mineral is a range dedicated to calcium carbonate applications from limestone for cement to high-quality calcium carbonate.

More and more cement producers reduce clinker factor in order to save cost and cement carbon footprint. To go further in the clinker content reduction, the finesse and the particule size distribution (PSD) are keystones. Separated grinding is a way to step up the limestone content in cement. Our range enable to master PSD and increases limestone finenesse.

  • Clinker factor reduction
    Increased fineness for same energy input.
    Improve calcium carbonate Particule Size Distribution and fineness.
  • Reduced grinding cost
  • They offer material flowability, facilitating storage, mechanical transport, and bagging operations, while eliminating coating and pack-set phenomena.

Daragrind® is one of the largest product developments in the field of Grinding Additives for minerals, cement raw materials, coal, pure calcium carbonate, limestone, silica and quicklime.
Roller mill - cement

Additives for Cement masonry

Our functional additives let manufacturers improve the quality of their cement while complying with standards such as EN and ASTM. These products impart specific functionalities to cement, such as promotion of air entrainment, and increased workability to the desired level.

More and more cement producers reduce clinker factor in order to save cost and cement carbon footprint. To go further in the clinker content reduction, the finesse and the particule size distribution (PSD) are keystones. Separated grinding is a way to step up the limestone content in cement. Our range enable to master PSD and increases limestone finenesse.

Tytron® Cement Additives impart superior water repellency, increased workability, and extended board life.
Tytron® is a proprietary technology developed at the research laboratories of SGCC. It represents a revolutionary new chemistry for use in the production of cement for masonry applications.

Cement additive global service offer


Providing you with our scientific expertise

  • Chryso®Clinkerology , a unique service approach using advanced clinker characterisation technologies to recommend you the optimal grinding aid.
  • Characterization of your cementitious materials and gypsums to select the rigth strength enhancement solution.
  • Designing of tailor-made additives depending on your requirements.

Assisting you in selecting the right solution

  • Applicative lab study for technical solution validation with your materials.
  • Chryso®Additive Benefit Costing evaluation to share with you the potential value created by using our solutions, including CO2 emission reduction.

Supporting you locally and on-field

  • Technical assistance to support you in solving process or quality issues.
  • On-field support during industrial trials for product validation & dosage optimization.
  • Mill audit based on a complete diagnosis of the grinding process with recommendations for further optimisation.
  • Technical workshops with your teams to develop their know-how in the optimisation of cement additive performance / cost ratio.

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