The transition to a low-carbon concrete mix-design is one of the main levers to meet the challenges of sustainable construction. To facilitate this change, CHRYSO innovates with EnviroMix®, a global offer of admixtures and services to optimize the concrete formulation and implementation strategy.

A common goal of the construction industry to reduce CO2 emissions

With growing concerns over climate change and the increasing scarcity of natural resources, the reduction of the environmental impact on construction activities generated new set of commitments.

The European Union commits to carbon neutrality

At the end of 2019, the European Union agreed on a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. The Green Deal has then been launched. Within this international scope, local initiatives, such as RE 2020 in France, announce the changes to come.

All actors are mobilizing to reduce construction’s carbon footprint.

To achieve the goal of carbon neutrality by 2050, France is focusing on the construction industry,  which accounts for 25% of CO2 emissions.

The entire actors is being structured to develop low-carbon solutions, with the definition of the National Low Carbon Strategy (SNBC).

The new environmental regulation, the RE2020 (in force on January 1, 2022) integrates the carbon dimension of each construction through a life cycle analysis. CHRYSO technical experts support you in this analysis and facilitate the development of innovative materials, through the optimization of concrete formulations.

enviromix key figures for sustainable construction : use of low carbon concrete

-35% of CO2 by 2030: the first commitment of the construction industry in the European Union

Driven by the environmental and economic challenges of sustainable construction, industry players are committed to reducing the carbon footprint of construction by 35% by 2030 to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

This objective accelerates the use of ecological, recyclable or bio sourced materials.

However, it is possible to go even further in reducing the carbon impact by acting directly on the formulation of concrete.

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sustainable construction : use of low carbon concrete

Combining low-carbon and high-performance concrete with EnviroMix® sustainable solutions

EnviroMix® is a unique global offer combining fully dedicated low-carbon concrete admixtures and services enabling the calculation and reduction of the CO2 impact. This solution is aimed at both the ready-mix and precast industries.

CHRYSO’s commitment: to be a facilitator of ecological and sustainable construction.


EnviroMix® : the new range of low and ultra low-carbon concrete admixtures

Based on the latest CHRYSO innovations, the new EnviroMix® range integrates specific polymers and catalyzers, for an optimum reduction of the carbon footprint in concrete, while ensuring a high level of performance:

  • CHRYSO®EnviroMix : up to 50% CO2 reduction /m3 of concrete.
  • CHRYSO®EnviroMix ULC (Ultra Low-Carbon) : a reduction of CO2 / m3 of concrete beyond 50%.

EnviroMix® range for ready-mix and precast application

By acting on the CO2 impact, new parameters are to be integrated for the elaboration of the mix-design, in addition to the traditional properties of this material at the heart of our construction methods (resistance and durability classes, workability maintenance, setting time…).

To meet your target performance level, CHRYSO has developed the EnviroMix® range which provides an answer for each type of application:

ready mix concrete
Enviromix® Ready-Mix Solutions

Optimize workability retention, efficient dispersion of binders and control shrinkage.

Types of application:

  • deep foundations,
  • walls,
  • pilars,
  • civil engineering.
precast concrete
Enviromix® Precast Solutions

Optimization of placeability and strengths development taking into account curing process


  • Structural and non structural concrete elements
  • Reinforced and prestressed concrete
  • Large projects dedicated precast: tunnel segments, bridges elements
Enviromix®Impact: Tool to calculate the environmental impact of a concrete design mix. It allows to define the optimum formulation strategy.

Tool to calculate the environmental impact of a concrete design mix. It allows to define the optimum formulation strategy.

Enviromix®Impact is a pre-diagnosis tool calculator, it allows to:

  • Calculate the environmental impact of a concrete mix design and help you define a formulation strategy adapted to your carbon reduction objective
  • Compare two concrete formulations, one of which is low-carbon oriented
  • Integrate the energy cost of heat curing into the calculation and even the carbon impact of the distance of concrete raw materials transportation.
MAturix: Helping you monitor the strength increase of concrete at an early age in ready-mixed concrete and precast concrete

Helping you monitor the strength increase of concrete at an early age in ready-mixed concrete and precast concrete

CHRYSO®Maturix is a temperature digital monitoring tool in real time.

It allows you to efficiently monitor and predict  the increase in compressive strength at all ages in precast plants as well as on  jobsite.
The data generated enables the optimization of productivity and mix-design.

Read more about CHRYSO®Maturix 

EnviroMix®C-Clay: a dedicated range for the use of calcined clay-based cements in concrete

CHRYSO experts are developing a specific EnviroMix®C-Clay range of innovative admixtures designed to enhance the performance and versatility of calcined clay cements used in ready-mix concretes.

Read more about Enviromix®C-Clay
ENVIROMIX®C-CLAY - solution for Calcined Clay based cement

CHRYSO solutions, services and support for the development of your low-carbon concrete formulations

CHRYSO’s technical experts will assist you in the formulation of your concrete mix design and on your construction sites, to elaborate a concrete perfectly adapted to your performance objectives.


contact an expert for low carbon concrete solutions

Development of sustainable construction, at the heart of CHRYSO’s DNA

CHRYSO : between field expertise and R&D approach

Over the past 15 years, CHRYSO has engaged in a strong R&D dynamic in low-carbon concrete admixtures. This dynamism has enabled us to access new performance levers and create new low-carbon concrete solutions. Chryso has developed a range of admixtures based on the use of concrete additives, for example:

  • The use of existing low-carbon cements
  • The optimum use of SCC (fly ash, slag)
  • The use of innovative binders (Solidia – Geopolymers)
R&D is essential, because the new cements with additions as well as the binders of tomorrow made of new geopolymers will require new additives supported by advanced technologies”. Chryso is extremely well prepared to support its customers in this low-carbon concrete revolution.

Expertise in the development of low-carbon cement

CHRYSO also benefits from specific know-how adapted to the chemistry of new low carbon cements through its cement additives activity.

The new cements with additives (CEM II to CEM VI and LC3) or the binders of tomorrow made of new geopolymers, which arrive on the market, will require new admixtures supported by advanced technologies.

Research and Development low carbon concrete Chryso

Already in 2010, low-carbon construction site in the United States

CHRYSO solutions that combine high performance levels with a reduced carbon footprint have been implemented in the USA since 2010.

  • ProjectDFW Connector – Dallas – USA (2010)
  • Project assessment: 
    • 600 000 m3 of concrete
    • Concrete Carbon foorprint reduced by 35%
    • Superior placeability & finishability
low-carbon concrete construction site in the United States

Our references for low-carbon concrete projects

Real Estate


The future Block 162 office tower located in downtown Denver will total 55 000 m2. This high-rise building is designed at 30 stories.
Parking will be on floors 2 through 10 (9 floors of podium parking), as well as three below-ground levels.

View reference
Real Estate


“Le Onze” residence in Chartres (France) is a 12 housing units, built both in accordance with an environmental new label approach (Positive energy building label with a low carbon footprint), and in favor of circular economy, with the objective to maintain balanced construction costs.

View reference

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To learn more about the EnviroMix® offer, contact us.

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