Tunnel entrance

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Tunnel entrance
Tunnel entrance

Tunnel Eye water control injection solutions

DE NEEF® Leaks Stop Here: Fast, Proven, Durable.

Underground construction is a deadline driven business.

Problems that upset your schedule need to be solved FAST. Short term deadlines shouldn’t equal short term thinking. Every minute construction is stopped adds to the cost. When money is measured in minutes, you want the best, most effective, lasting and FAST leak sealing technology. Our DE NEEF® injection materials are developed to bring the shortest possible injection cycles and give lasting solutions that reduces the risk of recurrence to the absolute minimum.

DE NEEF® injection materials give the best results:

  • Hydrophobic formulation avoids dilution and product loss during injection.
  • Balanced viscosity and reaction profiles combine to bring the fastest leak sealing
  • > 90% closed cell and no leaching give a lasting stopping effect with a proven service life of up to 120 years.


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Our injection solutions:

  • DE NEEF® 1C
  • DE NEEF® HA Cut AF
  • TYTRO® SI 550/660

Our services:

  • Special techniques such as DE NEEF® Combi-Grouting and DE NEEF® Combi-Block supported by our technical experts and extensive test data to deliver a proven and durable result.

Stabilized embankment

Consistent high or ultra-high early strengths shotcrete and minimal rebound.

Our wet process shotcrete solutions benefit from decades of expertise and hundreds of successful jobsites, worldwide. From concrete mix design to on site technical support, our teams will define with you the best admixture combination for your project. Optima, MIRA & Quad water reducers provide at will workability retention and enhanced pumpability while preserving cement reactivity (low setting time impact). Jet and Tytro alkali free (or alkali) shotcrete accelerator ranges enable ultimate strengths and rebound performances. Furthermore, our Gunita & Easyshot fiber ranges, specifically designed for shotcrete, allow for saving time, money and CO2.


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Our admixture solutions:

  • CHRYSO®Jet
  • CHRYSO®Optima
  • CHRYSO®Quad
  • CHRYSO®Fiber Gunita
  • TYTRO®
  • MIRA®

Our services:

  • Mix design and on-site technical support
  • On site shotcreting trials and measurement support
  • Durability studies
  • Temperature regulated storage and dispensing equipment supply
  • Implementation and maintenance on site.

Spoil management

Technologies and services to enable circularity​

Use of excavated materials is often a technical and environmental challenge. CHRYSO®TBM soil treatment polymers facilitate transportation and storage. CHRYSO®Quad Lab approach and specific testing tools (e.g. CLEAR Test) allows for identifying precisely the challenges associated with the use of excavated materials in concrete. CLARENA aggregated treatment solutions, CHRYSO®Quad admixtures and Equalis technology enable the use of some challenging excavated materials in concrete (within the limitations of local aggregates and concrete standard). High or low fine content, swelling clay pollution, sulphatic aggregates : whatever your challenge we are by your side to identify the best circular solution…

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Our admixture solutions:

  • CHRYSO®Quad

Our services:

  • CHRYSO®Quad App

Backfill grout solutions

Reliable solutions for A+B grouts, traditional or hybrid Backfill.

Our TBM backfill solutions benefit from decades of expertise in mix design, testing and in-field support.

CHRYSO® TBM range encompasses a wide range of chemistries enabling to meet all challenging jobsites requirements.

Our latest patented solution, CHRYSO®TBM SGS A+B Backfill Technology is a liquid admixture solution, providing outstanding stability and rapid gelling time to the mortar.

It offers superior filling performance and long-distance pumping capabilities while reducing the environmental footprint of A+B grouts.


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Our admixture solutions:


Our services:

  • Definition of a tailored mix design
  • Grout performance qualification trials
  • On-site dispensing equipment and technical support