Ready-mix plant

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sustainability-Ready-mix plant
sustainability Ready-mix plant

Recycling of returned Concrete

Treat, manage, and enable the reuse of returned concrete​

Dealing with concrete waste is an environmental challenge and the high cost of dealing with returned concrete is troublesome for many producers, Chryso®Convert C  admixture make it possible for producers to recycle returned concrete.

This admixture can be simply mixed into the plastic concrete, turning it into a dry granular material. The resulting product can be used as road base material, compacted fill or as a partial replacement for virgin aggregate in new concrete. This results in improved land efficiency, conservation of natural resources and lower CO2 emissions through reduced transportation cost.​

RECOVER® is used to stabilize mixer wash water and returned or leftover concrete for extended periods, allowing for use of the materials when specified or allowed. It is also used where controlled extended set of concrete is needed.

Our admixture solutions:

  • Chryso®Convert C​

Our services:

  • Regional labs for customer-driven innovation with material characterization capabilities and mix optimization know-how

Improving the durability and resiliency of concrete​

Increase project life span, reduce construction time and labor cost

Durability enhancing solutions offer incremental performance and benefits to concrete.​

Adfil® fibers, amongst the most specified synthetic macro fibers, are a unique form of high strength, high modulus synthetic reinforcement that add toughness, impact and fatigue resistance to concrete and improve residual strength and durability. They can be used as substitution to steel fibers & rebars offering lower level of CO2/m3 and additional ease of use.​

Corrosion inhibitors (DCI® & Chryso®CI) chemically inhibit the corrosive action of chlorides on reinforcing steel and prestressed strands in concrete. It also promotes strength development of the concrete and extends the service life of structures in a de-icing salt and marine environment.​

Our range of Shrinkage reducing admixtures (SRA), as ECLIPSE® & Chryso®Serenis, lowers significantly shrinkage, cracks and curling while increasing durability, lowering maintenance costs and extending structure service life.

Our admixture solutions:

  • DCI®
  • Chryso®CI
  • Adfil® fibers

Our services:

  • Project support through engineering services group
  • Fiber dispensing equipment

Enabling increased use of SCMs for concrete​ (Strength Enhancer)

Solutions to enable low carbon concrete performance, quality and durability.​

Innovation in concrete admixtures like EnviroMix® (strength enhancer) allows for the optimum use of pozzolans and SCMs.​

Innovation in concrete admixtures, like our EnviroMix® range, allows for a higher use of SCMs in concrete while maintaining high performances (early age strength, setting time, good workability, etc.).

EnviroMix® is a range of various tailor-made admixtures to answer to your local challenges raised by the use of new cements, with lower clinker content. ​

Our admixture solutions:

  • EnviroMix® offering

Our services:

  • Regional labs for customer-driven innovation with material characterization capabilities and mix optimization know-how,
  • CO2 savings quantification tool, CHRYSO®EnviroMix Impact

Optimizing local use of sands and aggregates​

Foster circular economy solutions through local supply streams ​

What if concrete producers could extend the possibilities of sourcing aggregates and sands closer to their production facilities with no compromise on ready-mix concrete quality?​

Quad® Water Reducers enable using recycled aggregates, up to 100% manufactured sands and increasing the ratio of sands containing an excessive or too low proportion of fines.​​

Quad® offers excellent resistance to the effects of swellable clays, such as smectites on aggregates and enhance the use of locally available aggregates.​​

This technology offers concrete producers access to local and more responsible supply streams and foster circular economy solutions.

Our admixture solutions:

  • Quad®

Our services:

  • Regional labs for customer-driven innovation with material characterization capabilities and mix optimization know-how,
  • CO2 savings quantification tool,
  • Quad® Lab specific test, including CHRYSO®Clear Test patented technology

Improving consistency of delivered concrete

Leveraging industrial iOT for CO2 reduction

With VERIFI®, all loads are measured for slump and temperature, letting producers catch bad loads before they pour. Low strength concrete can be mitigated, as well as the risk of having to repair or replace concrete. By delivering a more consistent product at a higher level of quality, ready-mix producers can realize significant business improvements including:

  • Fewer loads rejected on site
  • Less admixtures used
  • Reduced disposal of unused concrete
  • Less cement used
  • CO2 optimized concrete mix design with less cement due to a better monitoring of quality
  • More loads delivered successfully per day with reduced disposal of unused/returned concrete
  • Higher truck rotation and productivity on site
  • Fewer jobs needing to be re-done with extra cost-avoidance for concrete producers eventually